Today's Choice for Tomorrow's Future



Shane Stephenson, Lead Logistic Specialist

(352) 253-6753 office 
(352) 267-6399 cell
Logistic Specialists:
Michael Davis
Kenneth Eaton
LJ (Larry) Meagher
Eddie Parker
Craig Peters
James Richardson, Jr
Bill (William) Zwiers
Welcome to Logistic Functions of Warehouse & Grounds.
Our department performs a various range of duties for the entire district.  Some of those duties include event set up for departments and schools such as Education Foundation, (Renn Faire, Golf Tournaments, Stepping Out, Red for Ed, Rubber Duck Race), Title 1 (VPK Day), also school functions (Graduation, Plays, Luncheons, Retirement, Holiday Parties, Testing). We are responsible for moving and transporting items such as furniture, electronical devices, and vehicles to different locations in the district as well as taking items to the auction and moving food for Food Service when needed.  We also pick up and transport donations given to the School Board and handle the collection and disposal of all records district wide.
To help the district with any need for special events and testing our department has a supply of tables which are loaned out when requested. 
Services may be requested through the District's Schooldude work order system.